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Showing results 183 to 202 of 213
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- Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) CD44 Hyaluronic acid Nanoparticle Chemotherapy 1
- Poly-functional T cells 1
- Proteasome; protein degradation; ubiquitylation (ubiquitination); viral protein; viral replication 1
- Protection 1
- Protein Aggregation 1
- Protein Expression 2
- Proteins 1
- Raman spectroscopy; anemia; atomic force microscopy; egress; erythrocyte; invasion; malaria; perforin like proteins 2
- Raman spectroscopy; anemia; atomic force microscopy; egress; erythrocyte; invasion; malaria; perforin like proteins. 1
- Reproductive Immunology 1
- RiPP; chemical structure prediction; cross-link; genome mining; machine learning 1
- RNA interference (RNAi) silencing suppressor (RSS) activity and cell death; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1; trans-activator of transcription (Tat) gene 1
- Rv3881c 1
- SARS-CoV-2; chemical fingerprints; docking; drug discovery; machine learning (ML); protein–protein interaction modulators (PPIMs) 1
- Setaria cervi; W bancofti; antigenicity; cross-reactivity; filariasis; heat shock protein. 1
- Setaria cervi; W.bancofti; Antigenicity; Cross-reactivity; Filariasis; Heat shock protein. 1
- Signal Transduction 1
- Sortase 1
- SPAG9, CT antigen, therapeutic target, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis 1
- Stability 1